The Gift of Wonder

That marvellous space of childlike curiosity that carries no weight of judgement, simply the awe of wow!
In this month of Christmas and giving, take time to quell your cynicism and see the world and the people around you with eyes that are covered with the lens of goodness. The ability to believe the best in all situations. The adaptability to be gracious when less than the best arises. The responsibility to bring your best to each situation and invite others to join you in that space of trust.
Take a moment to prepare your heart and mind to be wonder filled and a giver of goodness. Are you ready for what you will receive?
I wonder as I wander out under the sky
How Jesus my Saviour did come for to die
For poor n'ry people like you and like eI
I wonder was I wander out under the sky.....
I Wonder as I Wander lyrics@Sony/ATV Music PublishingLLCC, Barry Walsh Music
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